Local News

Cranberry Preparing for Summer Artisan Markets

With summer upon us Cranberry is preparing for their Artisan Markets,  where they give vendors from all over the North  the opportunity to showcase their products and services.


Barb Bragg who was at the CFAR Trade Show this weekend talked about the different events which they will be hosting throughout the summer.


"One of the things we're trying to do at the trade show here is actually get people to stop in Cranberry because it's kind of in drive-through town. So if they stop in Cranberry, they can go to the market, which is happening pretty much once a month over the summer on the grounds of the heritage

museum, which if they've never been to the museum, they need to go because it's fabulous. We have the Trout Challenge weekend, the August Long Weekend, which also makes the town burgeon up to many, many people. And yeah, it's just, we're really trying to showcase all of the stuff going on in Cranberry. Our slogan is uncover the history. Embrace the adventure because we've got it all."


Thefirst summer market is May the 25th with others planned for July the 6th, August the 3rd and September the 7th. It is $20.00 per booth and you can register at 204-680-6003.

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