Local News

Tom Lindsay Named Speaker of the House for Manitoba

Flin Flon MLA Tom Lindsay is the new speaker of the house for the Manitoba Legislature and was sworn in on Thursday November the 9th. He will be taking over for Myrna Driedger who announced she  would not be seeking re-election after serving a two year term.


Lindsay says he will still be the voice for the North but will be expressing it in a different way and is looking forward to his new role.


" The new role as speaker is something that I never really envisioned that I would do, but pretty intensive learning curve at the moment to figure out just what the speaker does because there's so much more to it than just just what people see in the house.There's all sorts of different committees, you're part of, there's all kinds of different reporting entities that report directly to the speaker. It's a management position and I've never been in management. So some of that is,is completely new for me, but pretty exciting to be a part of that. What it means is I'm still the ML A for the Flin Flon constituency, But now I have to be seen as being impartial. So I can't present myself as being the NDP MLA as opposed to a conservative MLA, I just have to present myself in communities as the ML A for Flin Flon."


Lindsay is the first MLA  from Northern Manitoba to be appointed as  the Speaker Of The House and feels his new role will be more beneficial in getting things done for the people in this riding. Once again if you have an issue or a question you can call his office in Flin Flon at 204-687-3246.

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