Local News

The SPCA Has A New President


The Flin Flon Creighton area SPCA held their AGM last Thursday at the Kin Centre and had one of the best turn outs in their history.


Out going President Heather Richardson welcomed the crowd and thanked the board members, members at large, employees and all their volunteers. Richardson pointed out that this is just not a day job for the employees but that the events stay with then long after their shift.


She recognized that at times it can be thankless, challenging and heartbreaking.


Among the projects they have been working on include switching the dog pens to chain link to plexi glass. They have funding for the first six. They have to come up with some creative fundraising over the next several years as cash donations have majorly dropped off.


Richardson also stated that she was stepping down as President but would remain a loyal volunteer. Carmen Ward has been elected the new President.


Angela Gautier the treasurer also made a report mentioning that it will cost about $150.000.00 to operate the shelter with rising costs in the economic climate. The largest costs are wages and veterinary care for the animals.


Gautier also mentioned they were hit hard by Covid and are still trying to recover.


Shannon Thompson was also thanked for being with the  SPCA for  the last 20 years.


A full report can be seen on the SPCA facebook page.

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