Local News

The NDP Wants To Suspend The Provincial Fuel Tax

With a Provincial election less than two months away the NDP made a big announcement yesterday that if elected in October they would suspend the provincial fuel tax.


Our local MLA, Tom Lindsay says this would be significant for people that live in the North. " Clearly it is a big deal especially  for people in the North, we have to spend more on fuel proportionately than a lot of people just because of the distances. This will be a huge savings as you take a look at people that have to commute to Snow Lake, that is going to be a big difference in their pocket book. The whole point is to give some relief now until they get inflation under control with  the skyrocketing price of groceries and everything else comes under control."


If you have any issues or concerns heading into the election, don’t hesitate to contact Tom Lindsay at his office on Flin Flon’s Main street , Monday to Friday 9 to 4. Stop by or call 204-687-3246.

Frontline Sport & Leisure - U-Pick/Opinion Poll

It's Frontline Sport and Leisure's U-Pick Of The Day- Summer Is Here

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