Local News

A Big Party Is Being Planned For Baby Boomers

If you are 60 or over, you will want to mark August the 10th on your calendar for an exciting summer event called the Boomer Bash.


Greg East tells us they have a great night of entertainment planned. " We will have two bands playing with each one playing about an hour, and if you give them lots of ovations they may play a couple extra tunes. That should leave about three hours for visiting,  which is often what people like to do when they come back to Flin Flon from a long distance to see friends that they haven't seen for a long time. It is called the Boomer Bash because it is basically  baby boomers and slightly younger and older for anyone 60 and over."


The night will feature all of Flin Flon’s favorite local musicians and it will cost you $50.00 with advance registration only. You can e-transfer ffbash60@gmail.com. Registrations will close June the 30th at midnight.


This will take place at the Flin Flon Community Hall and doors will open at 7 with the night’s proceeds going towards the local food bank.

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