Local News

Northern Neighbors Have Presented Grants

The Northern Neighbors Foundation presented their grant money  Thursday  to needy organizations including Flin Flon, Creighton, Cranberry, Snow Lake and Sheriden. In total more than $156,000.00 was handed out.


President Jane Robillard talks about the process in order to receive grant money. " It is a pretty simple process, we open our grant application in November and you have a couple of months, you have support and can contact us if you need help. This community is very giving as we get a lot of money donated. This is a very good board that spends a lot of time and puts a lot of thought to where the money is going. It is group's that really benefit from it and maybe don't have  other sources of support financially."


Northern Neighbors make these grants possible by working with Moffat Family Fund, Smart and Caring Fund and the Joe Brain Foundation. The money was spread out with 24 organizations receiving grant money.


They included Rotary Senior Housing, $15,000.00 for a new roof, Channing Recreation for $7.650.00 for mobi mats, Cranberry Portage Artisan Market, $2800.00 for bar renovation and the Lord’s Bounty Food Bank, $8000.00 for a entry way renovation.


The full list of recipients can be seen at northernneighbors.com. 

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