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The Liberals Have Been Accused of Failing to Effectively Tackle the Climate Crisis Putting Lives at risk.

In the House of Commons Wednesday Member of Parliament Niki Ashton called on the liberals to take the climate crisis seriously noting Canada is a failure when it comes to tackling the climate crisis. 

“Here at home, First Nations like Peguis, Little Grand Rapids, Pauingassi, St Therese and others who are impacted disproportionately by climate change are already paying the price of Liberal inaction. Yesterday’s Auditor General exposed the Liberals’ failures. Some support for evacuations - nothing for mitigation, adaptation and frankly survival: 112 communities, including in my riding, without the supports they need to stay safe. 
And then there are Canada’s abject failures on the world stage. 
Canada is the only country in the G7 that hasn’t lowered their emissions since the signing of the Paris Accords. 
This Liberal government gives over $14 billion a year to their friends in Big Oil and even builds them pipelines.”


Ashton concluded the climate crisis is already having a major impact in Canada. First Nations and people across Canada can’t afford more greenwashing. We need action now. Our future depends on it.


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