Local News

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart is Celebrating its 100 Year Anniversary This Week.

Vaughn Wadelius outlines some of the history of the Catholic Church in The Pas and how it originated….

“It’s the third building that was used because the first one was a log cabin sort of thing that was built in 1897.  It’s still next door to the cathedral and is now a museum.  Our original Bishop Charlebois used it as his residence as well as a little church in those early days.”


In 1922 the cathedral was built and at the time only cost 30 thousand dollars.  It opened on September the same year.  The church will have a number of displays over the weekend including artifacts dating back to Bishop Charlebois.  There will also be tours to show some of the more recent additions to the Church including stain glass windows and the history behind them.

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