Creighton RCMP

Drinking And Driving

The Creighton RCMP are actively investigating impaired driving in the communities of Denare Beach and Creighton.  Drinking and driving is an ongoing problem in most communities, with few exceptions.  With continued efforts to increase public safety police are focused on eliminating the dangers of mixing liquor with vehicle operation.  Over the winter months there are far too many increased road hazards, from poor visibility due to blowing or falling snow, to poor road conditions due to ice or freezing rain.  In every season there is wildlife near roadways, and there are other factors including driver fatigue, inexperience, or inattentiveness.  Finally, the condition of the vehicle being driven affects performance.  The goal in targeting impaired driving is to eliminate the one easily preventable factor in accidents--drinking.

But why all the fuss about having a few drinks to unwind before calling it a night?  The sad truth is that people both young and old drastically underestimate their ability to function properly after drinking.  There is a common misconception that "tolerance" equates to "impairment", which is criminally not true.  You are considered to be driving while impaired at blood alcohol readings of 80 mg%.  Some people who drink quite frequently would not feel impaired at all at this level.  Others, after a night of heavy drinking, might be over the legal limit and simply believe they are hungover.  For an average size male a 355 ml can of beer might equate to 15-18 mg%.  Your blood alcohol level or BAC is affected by how fast you can eliminate alcohol from the body, and a number of other factors including rate of consumption, food eaten, type of alcohol, genetics, metabolism speed, etc.

According to MADD Canada, in motor vehicle accidents among 15 to 25 year olds, alcohol is a factor in 50% of those crashes.  There are so many campaigns against drunk driving and so much education available, yet young people are just as likely as older generations for being charged with drinking and driving.  Many citizens would ask themselves whether impaired drivers simply don't care, since there is such an inundation of media attention pitted against impaired driving.  It is hard to believe any Canadian is unaware of the law or the consequences.  Granted, many such individuals are not newspaper readers, but there are television and radio broadcasts frequently citing the dangers of drinking and driving.

Quite simply alcohol impairs judgment.  Some people have addiction problems including alcohol.  For younger people there is a counter culture movement in which the party lifestyle takes precedence over work, family, and friends.  Listen to the lyrics of the popular Ke$ha songs where she brushes her teeth with liquor and has a water bottle of whiskey in her purse, and is apparently vomiting everywhere (including closets of all places).  Partying itself is not the problem, as anyone should be able to enjoy themselves.  It is lack of planning and foresight that ends with red and blue flashing lights on the side of a highway someplace.  Impaired driving is a community problem.  If you know someone who is going out for drinks and they don't have a plan for a safe ride home please ensure they get one.  Driving is a privilege that can be revoked, but no constable or judge can give a life back.

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