Local News

Water Rates Discussed On City Beat

Mayor George Fontaine and Councillor Alison Dallas Funk were at the CFAR studio this past Wednesday for the City Beat Show. They were in to discuss many issues happening in the community including the increase in water rates.


"  The proposed rates are out and that doesn't necessarilly mean that those are going to be the exact rates. The notices that everyone is seeing is exactly that , this is a notice of intent from the Public Utilities Board and the City Of Flin Flon. We can't change water rates without approval from the governing body, utilities board. The reason for that,  is strict guidelines and legislation that municipalities have to adhere to when they are dealing with their utilities. Utilities have to be there own entity , you can't pull funding from your general reserve in your operating budget. Utilities have to essentially pay for themselves, so what ever is charged for the water bill must pay what it costs to produce water, clean the water and maintain the water plant."


The City of Flin Flon has done a 40 page water study including the rates, where they can improve, where they are lacking in funding, where they are short and how much consumption that people are using. You can pick up a copy of the report at City Hall or contact them and they will e-mail it to you.

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