Local News

St Annes Fall Bazaar Is Tomorrow

St Annes Church is holding one of their biggest fundraisers this year with their Parish Fall Bazaar this Saturday at the Parish Hall between 1 and 4.


Bernadette Benson from the Parish office tells us there is going to be a lot going on. " We are looking forward to seeing everyone and hopefully the snow will hold off.We have multiple raffles including our Toonie Parade which is such a good draw for $5.00 you get 25 chances to win prizes. There are prizes for every member of the family. We have our candy booth, a bake table, perogies and there is a beautiful afghan being raffled off and a beautiful quilt made by Mrs Baumgartner."


Some of the other things going on include open faced buns, dainties and tea/coffee in the tea room for $6.00. There will also be a draw for a hope chest valued at over $500.00 with tickets available for $5.00 a piece.

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