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Saskatchewan Has Joined Other Jurisdictions Throughout North America in Proclaiming This Week Safety and Health Week.

The goal of Safety and Health Week is to focus on the importance of preventing injury and illness in the workplace, at home and in the community. Labor Relations and Workplace Safety Minister Don Morgan notes it’s important that we continue to work together to ensure everyone goes home safely at the end of each workday.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of The Occupational Health Act, 1972.  The bill was introduced in response to existing concerns for workplace health and safety and the implications for the economic and social development of the province The Act contained three important rights protecting workers that still exist today, The right to know what hazards are present in the workplace, the right to participate in keeping your workplace healthy and safe and the right to refuse unusually dangerous work for yourself and co-workers.

Visit the Safety and Health Week website for more information about the history and goals of the week, and to find tools and resources for the workplace.

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