Local News

A Breakfast Challenge Has Been Issued.

With March being Nutrition Month a dietician based in The Pas has come up with a breakfast challenge to help Manitobans to take the most important meal of the day more seriously.


Oribim Kingson with the Bliss Counselling and Wellness Centre explains all they want is for people to commit to eating breakfast for five days in a week so something healthy, something nutritious, something simple, it doesn’t have to be over the top just because we know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it really sets the tone for your food choices for the rest of the day, it sets the tone for if you’re going to be snacking later at night, it’s responsible for weight management and even for kids how they perform at school and if you’re a worker how you perform at work.


Kingson shares some tips on how people can make that one change to their routine including eating within the first hour or two of waking up, prepping breakfast the night before, or grabbing a piece of fruit and a protein such as peanut butter, greek yogurt, or cheese.


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