Local News

The Manitoba Government has Made Changes to the Self Isolation Public Health Order.

Health Minister Audrey Gordon says the change was made to adapt to the prevalence of rapid antigen tests and to help address the surge in COIVD-19 cases caused by the Omicron variant.


The changes which came into effect Saturday include requiring all people who have tested positive for COVID-19 to isolate including those who completed a rapid antigen test, changing isolation requirements to five days from ten days since the date of the test for fully vaccinated people who are not showing any symptoms, requiring people who have only isolated for five days to wear a medical grade mask while in a public setting for five days immediately following their self isolation and requiring isolation for people who have tested positive who are not fully vaccinated for ten days after their test as long as their symptoms are improving and they do not have a fever.


Gordon adds these changes will help ensure everyone who should self isolate does regardless of how they tested and will reduce the strain on the health system workforce as well as other key sectors as more workers report they have contracted COVID-19.

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