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The Canadian Ophthalmological Society is encouraging people to consider eye-safe toys and gifts to give this holiday season.

The organization recommends consumers follow the age recommendations on labels and pick out presents that are appropriate for a child’s age and ability as well as ensuring the product has been inspected by a proper regulator.


Past president Doctor Guillermo Rocha explains mild injuries can heal within a few days but more severe injuries can lead to long-term impacts. He says if you have a child that’s playing on something that could potentially have been prevented and all of a sudden  they end up with a piercing to the eye it could affect their profession, it could affect their selection of their job in the future because all of a sudden they may not meet certain visual requirements long term and this adds also to the number of visits they would have, the number of medications they may need throughout the years and it just sort of distracts from a good quality of life.


The society recommends avoiding toys that pose a high risk of eye injuries such as lasers, sharp toys, aerosols and flying or projectile toys.


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