Local News

Brush and Residential Incidents Were Part of the July Fire Report.

At their meeting Tuesday night Flin Flon City Council received the Fire Chiefs report for July. It indicated five calls during the month.  Two were to brush fires with the first on July 1st in the area where fireworks had been set off the day before.  They found several spot fires that were quickly extinguished. On the 9th a call reported smoke was coming from an area on the beach at Cliff Lake where crews found a campfire had been improperly put out and had begun to burn deep into surrounding areas.  They dug up and fully extinguished any possible fire.  They were called to two false alarms.  One was on Aspen Grove on the 10th where a renter had been burning candles too close to a smoke detector activating it and the other on Bay Avenue on the 21st where a faulty smoke detector was sending out a false signal.  And a car was destroyed by fire on the 2nd on Second Avenue.  They were advised a vehicle was on fire very close to a home. When they arrived the vehicle was fully engulfed but crews were able to contain the fire to the vehicle and extinguish it.

              Also during the month they received and put into service their new rescue boat and received a side by side for rescue operations and have trained on it and will begin mapping out trails.


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