Local News

The 75th annual War Amps key tag campaign is underway this month.

The campaign is a part of the lost-key return service that the War Amps operates.  Spokesperson James Jordan says it helps the organization fund the programs and services they offer to amputees across the country.  He explains one of the programs they offer is the Child Amputee Program and that would be their main support program for amputees and child amputees across the country and what that program does is provide financial assistance for very expensive artificial limbs for children who are amputees across the country.  He adds not only financial assistance but they also offer emotional assistance through events and regional seminars and program that they offer their amputees that are part of their membership and it goes a long way in regards to support for these families.

Jordan states key tags should be in mail boxes across Manitoba by the end of the month. To date more than 1.5 million sets of lost keys have been returned to their owners.

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