Local News

The Budget Doesn't Always Reflect Actual Spending.

Flin Flon MLA Tom Lindsey says he is still reviewing the details in the Manitoba budget but he sees nothing specifically for the north.  He notes there is a difference in announcements in the budget and actual spending.  He explains when you look at the money they budget every year then you look at the money they actually spent its two entirely different figures.  He says they under spend several budgets so when they announce the funding it sounds really good but then at the end of the year when we look at what actually got spent there’s so many areas, post secondary education, health and on and on that get under spent so while they make the big announcements about big numbers that’s not what really happens and then we see the results, we see our health care in worse shape than it ever has been in the north.                   


Lindsey adds when it comes to the budget he was really looking for something more from the government.

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