Local News

New Restrictions are Coming to Saskatchewan Beginning Friday.

Premier Scott Moe has announced additional health measures effective Friday running until December 17th.   They include all restaurants and licensed establishments are limited to seating four at a table; capacity will be restricted to 30 people at all casinos, bingo halls, arenas, places of worship, indoor banquets, conferences, wedding and funeral receptions in public venues and all team or group sports, activities, games, competitions, recitals, practices are suspended including amateur and recreational leagues for all age groups, except athletes and dancers 18 years of age and under who may continue practicing in groups of eight or fewer following set out regulations.  Moe explained outside of the home there are activities in venues where they have seen the spread in recent weeks and it would be great if they were able to just pinpoint one or two venues or one or two activities where the spread is occurring and just restrict them but the reality is that COVID is in our communities and it has been spreading in a number of different places both inside and outside of our homes that’s why they have to enact several different measures to get the numbers under control.

              Complete details on these and other health measures can be found in the Re-Open Saskatchewan plan at the Saskatchewan government website. Saskatchewan Health announced 164 new cases of COVID-19 this afternoon.


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