Local News

You Can Celebrate Lobster Night at Home This Year.

The Flin Flon Rotary Club is going ahead with their Lobster Night October 24th.  Rotarian Glen Smith says it’s back with a difference noting they’re going to have the same basic meal but they’re going to have the lobster that are cooked but cold so when you take it  home you put it in boiling water or whatever way you prefer to cook the lobster and the steak will be vacuum packed, the same steaks that they always get the filets and you’ll cook those yourselves on the barbeque and the potato will be cooked and hot and you’ll have coleslaw and the same fixins that they have on their regular meal but you’ll be able to take it home.


Smith adds they will be following all the safety regulations and hope people will shake the COVID blues, have a nice meal and support the Rotary.  Tickets are 60 dollars for each two item meal with all the fixins and can be ordered on the Rotary Facebook page or in person at Kleen All before noon on October 19th with meal pick up on the 24th at the Rotary Wheel and delivery is available for five dollars.

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