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Reaction to COVID-19 Will Vary in the Future.

Some COVID 19 restrictions are being lifted.  Retired public health worker Jo Beyers explains what we can expect the new normal to look like in the foreseeable future as the pandemic continues.

She thinks what we will see is local and regional public health responses depending on how many active cases and what kind of spread is happening within our communities so what might be happening in Halifax isn’t going to be the same as to what you might see in Flin Flon and so forth so she thinks we’re going to see different public health responses to lock down versus opening up the economies and travel and so forth depending on what the spread and the active case situation is like in our respective communities.

Beyers adds the lockdown put in place early on helped health care systems to prepare and adapt to the current situation.

A lot of these health care systems have increased their capacity and staffing and received more protective equipment.

There has also been an increase in the public health laboratory ability to test and contact trace.

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