Local News

While campgrounds are open this summer Manitoba Parks says people still need to adhere to physical distancing measures when using them.

Elisabeth Ostrop explains if you’re going camping with people outside of your household it’s important to be aware of how well they’ve been following the measures put in place.  She advises it’s all about knowing how your friends and family socialize so as a general rule they want people to think about how they’re interacting with their friends and neighbors so if at home they’re sticking with their household and not socializing beyond that then that’s probably how they approach camping as well.  She adds if incidents stay low and Manitoba is successful in flattening the curve then hopefully we can have everything return to normal.


Ostrop reminds campers to practice physical distancing while in the park in general, such as the trails, washroom and shower buildings, playgrounds, beaches, and green spaces.


She also recommends people bring their own toilet paper and hand sanitizer in addition to the supplies they would normally bring just so they’re prepared.


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