Local News

Is the Ketogenic Diet Right For You?

As part of Diabetes Month the Northern Health Region is presenting information on the Ketogenic Diet Thursday.  Diabetes Educator Oribim Kingson explains it will be a 45 minute discussion on the facts and current research for and against the diet and her aim is if she does her job correctly that people who are currently on the diet or who are considering going on the diet have enough information to decide if this is something for them or if they want to try other options.  She adds her goal is also to make sure that those who are currently on the diet are doing it safely because there are some tests you have to do.  She thinks it’s going to be very informative for people who want it for weight loss or diabetes management.


The discussion will be take place at 12 noon Thursday at the Flin Flon Primary Health Care Centre.  You can register by calling the Centre at 204-687-1350 or you can just drop in. Snacks will be provided.


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It's Frontline Sport and Leisure's U-Pick Of The Day- Summer Is Here

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