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A report released by Children First Canada is calling on federal political leaders to address the top ten issues Canadian children are facing today.

The “Raising Canada: Election 2019” report states that at least one third of the eight million children living in Canada do not experience a safe and healthy childhood. The issues Canadian children are facing include poverty, abuse, obesity, suicide, and bullying.

The managing director at the Children First Stephanie Mitton, explains why it’s important for Canadians to look into the findings of the report noting when Canadians think about Canada they often think Canada is a safer place to raise a child but the reality is in the rankings we’re 25th of 41 so we really do have a lot of work to be doing so she thinks making people aware of where we actually stand and what we need to do is really important and so she feels that calling on federal leaders to take this seriously and so something about it is really important.

Some other issues outlined in the report include accidents and preventable injuries, infant mortality, food security, and immunization.


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