Local News

Property Owners Can Be Held Accountable for Threatening or Disturbing Activities.

The Safer Communities and Neighborhoods Act is being enforced across the province by a team of public safety investigators from Manitoba Justice.  The process starts when one or more residents of a neighborhood who fear for their safety or security file a complaint with Manitoba Justice about an illegal activity such as the unlawful use of drugs, alcohol, prostitution, weapons or a criminal organization. The peace officers investigate about 300 cases a year.  When you make a complaint you must identify yourself but that information cannot be revealed at any time.  Once a complaint is filed and confirmed the property owner, including landlords who are responsible for their tenants, will receive a verbal warning that can lead up to a community safety order if a series of previous warnings is not followed.


For information on the Act you can call Manitoba Justice at 1-800-954-9361 or search the web for the Safer Communities and Neighborhoods Act.


Frontline Sport & Leisure - U-Pick/Opinion Poll

It's Frontline Sport and Leisure's U-Pick Of The Day- Summer Is Here

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