Local News

Our Member of Parliament Says Her Message to the Prime Minister is enough is enough.

MP Niki Ashton says it has been a tough year for people where she is from. She explained people have lost their jobs in communities like Thompson and set to lose them in Flin Flon, communities like Churchill are struggling to find their footing, First Nations continue to face a housing crisis, education is grossly underfunded and people are literally dying because of the loss of health care supports.  She says people have had enough and it’s similar across the country where people are falling behind all this while their Government sits on the sidelines.


Ashton adds instead of fighting for good jobs this government is fighting workers like postal workers, speeding up the hollowing out of industries through foreign takeovers and job killing trade deals and instead of fighting climate change this government is buying a pipeline adding they aren’t part of the solution they are part of the problem.

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Frontline Sport & Leisure U-Pick Song of the Day - Songs About Female Empowerment

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