Sports News

PLGC AGM Highlights

The Phantom Lake Golf Club held their annual Fall AGM last night at the Clubhouse.


President Ray Shirran welcomed everybody to the meeting and thanked the board and staff on what turned out to be a very good year.


Finances were up significantly due to weather and limited Covid restrictions with a reported a net income of over $100,000.00 dollars.


Greens Superintendant Brett Stephenson,  was pleased with the year mentioning that they were able to complete lots of projects including the restructuring of hole number 5 and some drainige problems.


They will need some volunteers to help lay down straw on the greens for the winter with a work bee being planned for the weekend of October the 16th and 17th.


Golf Pro Kelly McLaren also thanked his staff and commented on a great season which saw Men's and Ladies night's as well as  club functions all well attended.


McLaren also touched on a great year in general for the course. " It was like night and day out here from the year before, everybody was so happy to come out here and enjoy the great weather. Conditions of the course took a little while but everything got very nice and we are still picking away at some projects but it was an awesome year."


Some of the projects they will be tackling next year include a clean up on hole number 7, taking down some trees on hole number 4 as well as fixing some boards on the deck.


Election of officers took place with 5 members letting their name stand for re-election and the board still looking for one more spot to be filled. If you are interested you can contact the President, Ray Shirran.













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