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More Scams...

              The first is the mail scam where people receive a letter from a lottery company or business containing a cheque or money order.  Instructions are to cash the cheque, keep part of the money and forward the remaining funds to another party.  If cashed and found fraudulent you will be responsible for the full amount plus any fees.

              The second is the grandparent scam where you receive a call claiming a family member is in trouble and needs money immediately.  You are urged to verify the information before you send any money.

              These incidents should be reported to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Center at 1-888-495-8501.

              The RCMP remind you this is Fraud Prevention Month and ask you to recognize it, report it and stop it.


Frontline Sport & Leisure - U-Pick/Opinion Poll

Frontline Sport & Leisure U-Pick Song of the Day - Trade Show Jams

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