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It May be Cold Outside but You Can Still Exercise.



The Northern Health Regions Bruce Krentz says there is no bad weather for exercising just bad clothes.  He offers some tips for those looking to stay active during the winter season. He says just getting wet makes you cold a lot faster so watch out for that.  Wear waterproof clothes, ski pants and things like that and along that line dressing too warm can be a huge mistake in cold weather.  He notes when he was in the Arctic they had an expression that sweat equals death and once you start sweating then you’ve got to have a plan to keep sweating until you’re in a warm spot. He explains the way to avoid that is to dress in layers so you can take them on and off and keep in mind that stop and go activities are tricky because that’s when you sweat and then get cold so if you’re running run and if you’re walking walk.


Krentz adds that reflective clothing is a good idea with the limited sun light this time of year.

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